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Submerged Temple near Gobind Sagar Lake

Submerged Temple near Gobind Sagar Lake, Bilaspur in Gobind Sagar Lake of Himachal Pradesh has remained a bright shining star in the history of Himachal Pradesh for various reasons. Hydroelectricity, fish breeding, water sports and so many other things, which even I do not know. However, one thing that is worth mentioning here is the submerged temples that have gone down under the deep waters of this Man Made Lake.--

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Iam Inder Singh ! I am what I am !! A coder ! A Nature Lover ! Love Meditation & Yoga ! Love my freedom ! Love tours & travels ! Altogether I am "A Crazy Man !" - Visit me @ My Home District: My Studio Office:- My Beautiful Himachal:

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Temples (~9/183)

Himachal Pradesh. It is located at an altitude of about 2,438 m in the Kullu Valley. Bijli Mahadev is one of the excellent temples in India. Located 10 km from Kullu across the Beas river, it can be approached by a rewarding trek of 3 km.
A panoramic view of Kullu and Paravati valleys can be seen from the temple. The 60 feet high staff of Bijli Mahadev

Shiv Temple Bachchretu (Bilaspur)

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Gugga Mandir, Gehdavi Bilaspur

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Markandeya Mandir Maakdi Bilaspur

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Naina Devi Mandir Bilaspur

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